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At SkinCeuticals SkinLab Houston, we offer exceptional facial and skin rejuvenation crated to meet your skin needs. Our team of experts, overseen by plastic surgeon, Dr. Forrest Roth, are trained to provide facials, signature skin treatments, facial balancing with injectables, laser and light-based treatments and body contouring treatments, such as EmSculpt to meet the needs of all skin types. Our Houston medspa services are crafted to deliver the results you are looking for in under an hour so you can get in, get out, and get on with your day. Our comprehensive treatments include:

Unmatched Patient Service and Skincare Outcomes

At SkinLab Houston, our experts formulate skin treatments with top medical-grade ingredients and administer them according to the strictest levels of safety. You can count on us to provide quick, quality outcomes through minimally invasive procedures and techniques. We’ll begin your skincare journey by setting you up for a complimentary consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. We carefully assess and diagnose a wide range of skin conditions and issues with the latest diagnostic technology, such as the SkinScope LED light. After diagnosing your skin condition, we’ll determine the perfect signature solutions and develop a personalized treatment to achieve your needs and goals and achieve the skin you’ve always wanted.

Get State-of-the-Art Skincare From Our Personalized Skin Experts