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SkinCeuticals SkinLab Houston proudly offers skin-enhancing, Botox® Cosmetic, Dysport®, and a full array of dermal fillers including Restylane® and Sculptra® to restore your facial balance. Our team of expert cosmetic injectors in Houston, TX have vast experience with both neurotoxin and dermal filler injectable treatments and can provide you with the ultimate skin beauty and facial balancing. Our aesthetic and anti-aging treatments are comprehensive and customized to meet your skincare needs and goals. Contact us to schedule a consultation, and we’ll develop the ideal treatment plan for you.

lady getting botox


In our convenient River Oaks medical spa in Houston, TX, we provide top-grade neurotoxins such as Botox®, Dysport and Xeomin, which are utilized to address the telltale signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles. Our expert injectors carefully inject neurotoxins under the skin to relax the facial muscles, thereby minimizing facial activity and stopping lines and wrinkles from deepening. The neurotoxins are commonly targeted toward the forehead, mouth, corners of the eyes, and around the eyebrows.

lady getting botox


Discover our Houston, TX dermal filler treatments which can augment and rejuvenate facial features and structures and combat various skin conditions. Dermal fillers work to minimize wrinkles and fine lines and provide plumpness and firmness to the face. We offer and safely administer superior dermal filler products like Juvederm®, Sculptra Aesthetic®, and Restylane® to areas of the face and lips. These safe and efficacious products contain hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, and poly-L-lactic acid, safe and effective ingredients that produce full and effortlessly smooth skin.


At SkinCeuticals SkinLab Houston, our expert injectors are trained in the use of Kybella® an injectable treatment designed to reduce or eliminate submental fat, often referred to as a “double chin.” Kybella contains deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule, which helps break down and absorb fat cells in the treated area, leading to a more sculpted and defined jawline.

Get State-of-the-Art Skincare From Our Personalized Skin Experts